Now available – Finch 2021.6.1

Our June 2021 release is available right now. Here’s what’s new:


  • Data can now be collected from the device camera(s) or webcam(s)
    • Using the device camera can be enforced, or you can allow a fall-back of the user selecting an existing image from their gallery or file system
    • A consistent user experience is provided across desktop, Android and iOS devices
    • Collected imagery can be validated using machine vision (artificial intelligence). Added AI-enabled validators for:
      • Ensuring the presented image is a letter or document
      • Ensuring the presented image is a Passport
      • Ensuring the presented image is a UK Photo Driving Licence
    • Liveness checking can be enabled as part of the capture, where the customer will provide a short recording of themselves
      • The customer can be prompted to speak to confirm their liveness in the recording. The exact prompting requested is configurable
  • Within the Finch Vault, an interface is provided to allow staff to easily compare collected imagery (e.g. ID documents) against a liveness recording
    • Collected ID can be verified using artificial intelligence enabled services. Added verifiers for:
      • Comparing the photo on a piece of ID to the customer in the recording
      • Verifying that the customer spoke the correct liveness prompts
    • Discrepancies are automatically raised to staff if AI enabled verifiers don’t pass minimum confidence thresholds
  • Workflows can now define any number of email reminders. These email reminders feature:
    • Fully customizable subject line and body, including merge fields
    • Send to either the customer or member of staff who dispatched the file
    • Scheduled to your choice of hours since original dispatch
  • Reminder statuses, and a facility to send reminders manually, added to the Finch Vault file display
  • Those data types which provide drill-downs, such as documents, attachments and ID, now must be viewed by the staff user before the file can be archived. Staff are guided through this process as they attempt to file

Now available – Finch 2021.5.1

Our May 2021 release is available right now. Here’s what’s new:


  • Vault data can now be filtered by system and bespoke criteria, allowing the creation of business intelligence (BI) reports
    • Added support for filtering on custom radio group fields within workflows
    • Added support for filtering on custom checkbox fields within workflows
    • Added rich date filtering support, allowing filtering to/from/between dates and also within/outside of a certain amount of time
  • A display of vault data including its columns and filter configuration can be saved as a pre-set and used later

Now available – Finch 2021.4.1

Our first April 2021 release is available right now. Here’s what’s new:


  • Added ability to capture file based attachments from a user device during a data collection workflow
    • You may specify if using the device front/rear camera is preferred when capturing an attachment
    • You may specify maximum acceptable file sizes
  • You can now configure your own discrepancies to occur within workflows above the system defined discrepancies we introduced in the previous release
    • Discrepancies can be defined to occur on a fully customizable basis using a rich set of rules, all of which can be expressed with no code, such as:
      • Based on a specific response, or lack of response to a field
      • Based on if other data verifications or lookups have failed
      • Based on a comparison with all of, or some of, responses received from other people in the workflow, e.g. contradictions
      • Combinations of any of the above
    • Discrepancies can be specified with their own templated message to your staff
  • Improved the display of the discrepancy acknowledgement window
    • Added group headings identifying the respondent’s name who generated the discrepancy
    • Added an instruction to the staff user making it clear what they need to do next
    • Fixed an issue where it could be difficult to see validation errors when acknowledging discrepancies
  • Improved the audit trail generated when copying fields to the clipboard so that the name of respondent from which the field was copied is included in the log
  • Added a no code solution allowing you to configure if fields should be editable (enabled) or mandatory based on a rich set of rules as per custom discrepancies
  • You can now add any number of custom columns to the data grids displayed within the vault to create contextualised data table displays
  • Improved the document signing user experience on iPhone by using the maximum amount of vertical space for the document viewer. Any call-to-actions surrounding the document have been moved to a prompt
  • Added the Vault folder name (which for most Finch users is the name of an office) to the top right when composing a new workflow to be sent


  • When downloading a document from the vault, fixed the resulting file name as it appears in your download folder so that it references your file
  • Fixed an issue that when sending through Outlook the name of the recipient would default to the email address if Outlook didn’t know the name of the contact beforehand. Finch will now ensure the respondent supplies their name rather than leaving it as the email address
  • Fixed an issue where a minority of users were being returned to the start of a workflow having been through the Open Banking process

Now available – Finch 2021.3.1

Our first March 2021 release is available right now. Here’s what’s new:


  • Added a discrepancy check system which intelligently checks data submissions for potential issues.
    • Added discrepancy information to vault file display and email notifications to vault users.
    • Added a discrepancy hit for when the customer changes their name.
    • Added a discrepancy hit for when the customer’s name does not intelligently match their bank account name.
    • Added a discrepancy hit for when bank details have been provided manually, rather than through the Open Banking channel.
    • Added a discrepancy hit for when manually provided bank details do not resolve to a UK recognized bank account.
  • Vault users may now acknowledge discrepancies against a file, and make a note to the file history explaining or resolving the issue.
  • As a backup/alternative to Open Banking, manually supplied bank details are now looked up against a UK database of valid sort codes and account numbers. Customers must provide additional confirmation if they wish to submit bank details which do not resolve.
  • Vault interface cosmetic improvements

Now available – Finch 2021.2.2

Our second February 2021 release is available right now. Here’s what’s new:


  • Made several document signing experience improvements for users on a mobile device orientated in landscape, including tutorial prompts and a full screen mode
  • A copy of user attachments added when composing a file can be downloaded from the vault
  • Notification emails returned to staff now includes workflow specific customizable status information. This can immediately inform staff if, for example, the response indicates a blocker or call to action
  • Text entry boxes within a workflow can now define a pattern match validation rule (e.g. user input must resemble a phone number)
  • Address book feature added to all workflows which collect address data. The address input allows the customer to select from addresses they have previously used with your business in the past without having to type anything
  • When performing a cancellation, staff can now supply a reason why they are cancelling the file. The cancellation reason is then displayed in the vault, and included in the body of any notification emails sent to the client respectively


  • Fixed an issue where all of the sort code, account number and IBAN were presented on one line within the vault where provided